STUC Valley
Stupid, Technically Useless, Confusing
Those are a few words that come to mind once you see what in the fresh hell happened to Velocity feature names once Sun Valley development picked up the pace
Here's a table of acronyms used in various feature names
Acronym | Explanation |
AL(L)B | Animated Lock/Logon Background |
AUXEMP | Add Undocked Xaml Extensions Metadata Provider |
Cloud Backup Restore Settings | |
CUIDFS | Credential UI Desktop Fluent Styling |
CUIPN | Credential UI Provider Name |
DGI | Dashboard Gesture Integration |
DI | Drag Improvements |
DLOOBE | Desktop Lite Out Of Box Experience |
DTC | Deprecate Tile Control |
Emrbspi | Enable Monitor Removal Behavior Spi |
Erpsrbspi | Enable Restore Previous State Recalc Behavior Spi |
FTVTM | Frontload Timeline Visual Tree Modifications |
MTCMCTSA | Move Taskbar Context Menu Options(?) To Settings App |
MW | Minimize Windows |
RW | Restore Windows |
SA | Snap Assist |
Snap Based Task Groups | |
SE | Snap Education |
SSWPU | Shell Set Window Position Unrestricted |
Swonms | Shrink Window On Move Size |
TD | Taskbar Dll |
TTP | Taskbar Test Proxy |
TUC | Taskbar Undocked Controls |
UDTHD | Use Desktop Taskbar Handler Dll |
UTTV | Updated Taskview Timeline Visuals |
UUS | Undocked Update Stack |
V(D)PM | Virtual Desktops Per Monitor |
VTRRCC | Visual Tree Rounded Rectangle Cpu Clip |
WTA | Win32 Taskbar Access |
WUIOD | WinUI On Desktop |
Acronym | Guess |
HFEFNM | Hello First Enrollment Flags N M |
GTG | G Touch Gesture |
VDS | Virtual Desktop S |
VDR | Virtual Desktop Rename |
VDW | Virtual Desktop W |
MSZ | ? |
CUICOORD | Credential UI C O O Rounded Dialog |
OP | |
SCM | |
STUC | S Taskbar Undocked Controls |
NP | |
NM | |
VT | Visual Tree |
SR | |
DLNP | Desktop Lite N Privacy |
Tr | |
AT | |
P | Palette |
IA | |
V | |
WS | |
CAC | |
OSetup | |
63 | |
DA | |
LC | |
SB | |
LA | |
SN | |
DE | |
DLOMETRIC | Desktop Lite O M E T R I C |