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STUC Valley

Stupid, Technically Useless, Confusing

Those are a few words that come to mind once you see what in the fresh hell happened to Velocity feature names once Sun Valley development picked up the pace

Here's a table of acronyms used in various feature names

Acronym Explanation
WUIODAL(L)B WinUIAnimated OnLock/Logon Background
AUXEMPAdd Undocked Xaml Extensions Metadata Provider
CUIDFSCredential UI Desktop Fluent Styling
DGIDashboard Gesture Integration
DIDrag Improvements
DLOOBEDesktop Lite Out Of Box Experience
DTCDeprecate Tile Control
Emrbspi Enable Monitor Removal Behavior Spi
ErpsrbspiEnable Restore Previous State Recalc Behavior Spi
FTVTMFrontload Timeline Visual Tree Modifications
MTCMCTSAMove Taskbar Context Menu Options(?) To Settings App
MWMinimize Windows
RWRestore Windows
SBTG Snap Based Task Groups
SSWPU Shell Set Window Position Unrestricted
SwonmsShrink Window On Move Size
TD Taskbar Dll
UTTVTTP UpdatedTaskbar TaskviewTest Timeline VisualsProxy
AL(L)BTUC AnimatedTaskbar Lock/LogonUndocked BackgroundControls
UDTHD Use Desktop Taskbar Handler Dll
MTCMCTSAUTTV MoveUpdated Taskbar Context Menu Options(?) To Settings App
TUCTaskbar Undocked Controls
FTVTMFrontloadTaskview Timeline Visual Tree Modifications
DTCDeprecate Tile Control
SwonmsShrink Window On Move Size
CUIDFSCredential UI Desktop Fluent StylingVisuals
VTRRCC Visual Tree Rounded Rectangle Cpu Clip
WTA Win32 Taskbar Access
DGIWUIOD DashboardWinUI GestureOn Integration
TTPTaskbar Test Proxy
AUXEMPAdd Undocked Xaml Extensions Metadata Provider
ErpsrbspiEnable Restore Previous State Recalc Behavior Spi
DIDrag Improvements
MWMinimize Windows
RWRestore Windows
DLOOBEDesktop Lite Out Of Box Experience