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Installing Windows 10X 195xx (emulator image) on real hardware
Here's some quick notes on installing Windows 10X on real hardware. For this example, we're assum...
Installing Windows 10X 20279 (emulator image) on real hardware
Created: February 12, 2020 Last Update: November 25, 2022 Authors: NT Authority, Albacore, ...
Installing Windows 11 (from ISO) on real hardware (without SB and/or TPM 2.0 support)
Created: June 20, 2021 Last Update: June 20, 2021 Authors: Gustave Monce, Daniel Kornev ...
STUC Valley
Stupid, Technically Useless, Confusing Those are a few words that come to mind once you see what...
Reverting 10X boot restrictions & returning to classic 10
Prerequisites A Windows 10 Setup USB of an identical or higher version than the 10X build you've...
Installing Windows 10X (from cabs) on real hardware
Created: January 18, 2021 Last Update: February 2, 2021 Authors: NT Authority, Albacore, Gu...
Installing Windows 10X (from cabs with Device Image Generator) on real hardware
Created: February 2, 2021 Last Update: February 4, 2021 Authors: NT Authority, Albacore, Gu...
Windows 10 Usability Tweaks
A subjective guide based on supposedly-objective data This guide aims to collect a number of obv...
Dual booting legacy Windows 10 with Windows 10X
Created: February 15, 2020 Last Update: January 21, 2021 Authors: Gustave Monce Status: Dr...
C CTAC - Common Targeting Attribute Client CV - Correlation Vector F FID - Flight ID FSS ...
Creating a pool from scratch
REM value in GB set TARGET_SIZE=128 set DriveID=0 spaceutil New-Pool -DriveNumber %DriveID...
Microsoft Emulator (XdeManager)
Links to the app Store page Enabling Internal Mode C...
SxS hashing
Qualcomm Bootloaders
Windows Phones has had two different major bootloader revisions across its life span. Various cha...
SPKG - Canonical package SPKU - Delta package SPKR - Recall package
CBS - Canonical package CBSU - Delta package CBSR - Recall package
Configuring a Lumia for Flight Signing
In this article we will discuss how to configure a Lumia for Flight Signing. As of 2017, the old...
Remin project notes
Some early notes from the initial PoC of the Remin project (Replicated MinWin), an attempt to rev...
Welcome to, a site dedicated to core notes about everyone's favorite operating system. ...